How to Live Till Old Age in Good Health

How to Live Till Old Age in Good
If you’re in your late 40s or 50s, you probably have the goal of reaching old age in
good health. Your genes play a big role in your odds of living long and healthy, but
your lifestyle choices make up the rest thewesterlysun. You can do a lot to extend your lifespan,
including getting regular checkups and screenings and managing your weight, blood
pressure, and diabetes.

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One of the most important things you can do to live longer is to sleep well and wake
up feeling refreshed each day Studies show that if you get seven to eight hours of
rest every night, you’ll be more likely to live a long and happy life.
The best way to get that much-needed sleep is by adjusting your daily schedule to
account for a natural circadian rhythm. Try waking up and going to bed at the same
time each day, and avoid taking naps during the afternoon or evening.
You also need to make sure you’re not overdoing it on alcohol, which can wreak
havoc on your body. Ask your doctor about medications that may interact with
alcohol, and don’t drink more than recommended.
Exercise is another great way to keep your heart and brain healthy. Researchers
have found that people who participate in a moderate amount of exercise are less
likely to die before age 90 than those who don’t.
Staying social and engaging with friends is another key component of a happy and
healthy old age. Research has linked social isolation to dementia, depression, heart
disease and stroke.

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Finding a hobby or activity that excites you can help you feel more fulfilled and
improve your mental health. Joining a book club, painting class, or sculpting class
are all good options.
It’s also important to keep in mind that as you age, your body will start to change.
For instance, you might lose muscle tone or have difficulty with balance. But these
changes don’t have to be debilitating. Just be prepared for them and take steps to
adapt your home.
Ultimately, the secret to a healthy, long life is a combination of small, manageable
changes that will make you feel and look your best. The more you focus on your
health and wellness, the sooner you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of old age.